I dag har vi danskere opbrugt vores budget af naturressourcer for hele 2021 Det er ’overshoot day’ for Danmark fredag, melder tænketanken Global Footprint Network. En fjerdedel inde i 2021 overstiger vores økologiske fodaftryk allerede biokapaciteten for hele året. Vi er nødt til at bringe efterspørgslen ned, siger professor Katherine Richardson // Jørgen Steen Nielsen… Continue reading Naturresurser
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Adapt Vac
Dagens forsideoverskrift i Information onsdag 17. marts: Sundhedsministeriet afviste at støtte lovende dansk vaccine trods anbefaling
Santiago de Compostela
2/5 A whole day without any plans. I got the last stamp in my Credencial del Peregrino. And I was at the Correos where they helped with sending my navajo, lommekniv, home. Super service.
Silleda – Santiago
1/5 I slept pretty well and woke up at half past seven. I got coffee and toasted in the pulpo bar and ready for a nice walking day. As usual going out of a city means some walking along N-525. Here the route swung away from the road after just 1-2 km. The plan was… Continue reading Silleda – Santiago
Castro Dozón – Silleda
30/4 Pretty cool and fog when I started. The fog lasted nearly to 12 o’clock. I didn’t get anything to eat in the morning and hoped for a coffee stop in one of the first small hamlets I passed. But no luck. I had to go to A Laxa, 20km, before there was a road… Continue reading Castro Dozón – Silleda