Zamora – Riego del Camino

15/4 Soft music in the albergue at 7 a’clock signals wake-up. The city is still sleeping when I leave half an hour later. Today I walked on a stoney red-yellow dirt track with a heavy wind in the back. There was a bar in Montamarta, after 18km. Along the way, some great motorway systems must… Continue reading Zamora – Riego del Camino


14/4 Domingo de Ramos, Palm Sunday in Zamora. In Zamora Palm Sunday has a very concrete meaning.

Calzada – El Cubo

13/4 The meseta in Castilla y León, can be a very harsh experience if the wind is strong and cold. But today nearly no wind, so the only challenge is that there is absolutely no protection against the sun. But there is a solution to everything. My albergue and my clothes hanging out to dry.