I have loved to walk most of my adult life. It started with mountain hiking in Norway and quickly expanded to include glacier hiking on especially the Jostedals glacier. My favorite mountain area was and is Breheimen. You can hike for days from mountain hut to mountain hut. Enjoy nature and look forward to meeting lovely people at the cottages.

At some point I got the idea that it could be exciting with a really long hike, not just a summer holiday trip of one or two weeks. When I turned 70 and retired, I suddenly had the necessary time and started planning a long trip in Norway from south to north.

As a result I did my first longdistance walking june-july 2014. It was a beautiful walking from Oslo to Trondheim. I followed a trail to Jotunheimen, continued through Breheimen and Reinheimen to Bjorli. Then with train to Dombås from where I followed Pilegrimsleden all the way to Trondheim and the Nidaros Cathedral.

In 2015 I walked the popular camino Francés from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port in France to Santiago de Compostela. It was such a success that I had to repeat that camino the following year.

In 2017 I followed the longer camino Vía de la Plata, and continued to Finisterra and Muxia before I returned to Denmark.

In april 2018 I walked camino Norte and in october the same year camino Primitivo.