10/4 Long and lonely stage, without intermediate locations or services. First a long and comfortable approach to the Pico de la Dueña. Then a progressive ascent and descent to said mountain. Last, the monotonous track next to a local highway. An Ente family taking care of me. And here we see the difference between a… Continue reading Fuenterroble – San Pedro de Rozados
Month: April 2019
La Calzada de Bejar – Fuenterroble de Salvatierra
9/4 The albergue in La Calzada de Bejar was a success. Really good diner in the evening together wirh the other peregrinos. Quiet night and early breakfast. Simple stage, although we almost reached 1,000 meters of altitude. The stage was equally split between nice dirt tracks and asfalt road. There was two places in between… Continue reading La Calzada de Bejar – Fuenterroble de Salvatierra
Cáparra – Calzada de Bejar
8/4 Since being in a hostal I take it easy in the morning. With bus back to the camino at Banyos de Montmayor. Here I meet Ángel and walked together with him to the endpoint for the day, Calzada de Bajar.
Galisteo – Cáparra
7/4 Early morning, good weather, café con leche y tostada in the hostel. Jean Pierre left before me. I got a good photo from a roman bridge just outside the city. And speeded up a little in order to catch him. First 10 km was on asfalt to Carcaboso. Jean Pierres backpack was out of… Continue reading Galisteo – Cáparra
Cañaveral – Galisteo
6/6 The day starts with rain and a walk on N-630. When I turned left 500 m later I was in the most beautiful landscape. The rain was not an issue anymore. Cork oaks overall. Cows and a single bull. After a long day I arrive Galisteo, the city surrounded by high stone walls.